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јули 12, 2024



јули 12, 2024

Од денес со ЈЗУ Општа Болница Струмица ќе раководи нов директор специјалист- интернист, суп-специјалист-дијабетолог Др.Гоце Христов, кој во ЈЗУ ОБ Струмица работи од 2012 година.



 Средно образование-Јане Сандански, Струмица
 Високо: Универзитет Св.Кирил и Методи, на Факутетот за медицина

 Специјализација: Интерни болести при Универзитет Св.Кирил и Методиј, на Факутетот за медицина,
 Супспецијализација:Дијабетологија – Универзитет Св.Кирил и Методиј, на Медицински факултет,
 Докторска студија од 01.12.2022 год во тек при Универзитетот Гоце Делчев -Штип

 Едукатор при Универзитетот Гоце Делчев Струмица

Едукативни курсеви:
 01.08.2006-01.09.2006-completing a professional exchange programme according to the regulations of the Standing Committee on Professional Exchange of International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations at the department of Cardiology in the Hospital N 2 Szczecin-Poland, under the supervision of Prof.Dr.Hab.Zdzislawa Kornacewicz-Jach.
 01.12.2008-01.12.2011 – Volunteer at University Clinic of Pulmology and Alergology, Skopje
 02.11.2015-02.01.2016-compleating a training course in the Digestive Endoscopy Unit, Catholic University, Roma for all Upper and Lower Gl cases in Universita Catolica del Sacro Cuore, Facolta di Medicine e Chirurgia Agostino Gemelli Rome.
 01.12.2015-02.12.2015- Cook Medical Basic ERCP Training Programme at the Europian Endoscopy Training Centre, Rome.
 01.03.2018-01.06.2018- Completing a course of ultrasonography of thyroid gland at University Clinic of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic diseases, Skopje.
 01.06.2023-06.06.2023 – attending the Digestive Endoscopy Unit, Gemelli Hospital-Rome, for observation of all the cases carried in the Unit.
 23.10.2023-27.10.2023- Completing a course of color doppler ulrasonography of neck vessels at Policlinic “Antamedica”, Belgrade.
 30.10.2023-03.11.2023- Completing a course of peripheral vascular color doppler ulrasonography at Policlinic “Antamedica”, Belgrade.

Автор/коавтор на научна работа
 SGLT-2 Inhibitors and GLP-1 RA may prevent cardiovascular and chronic kidney disease progression in patients regardless the diabetic status, 2022-BANTAO Journal 2021; 19(2):65-66,
 Association of FGF23 with micro and macrovascular complications and bone mineral metabolism in patients with DMT2 in the early stage of CKD: a pilot study, BANTAO Journal 2022; 20(1):6-12,
 Egzacerbation of COPD, 2022
 Is it Asthma, or something else, 2022
 Editing brochure: Care for body weight in patient with T2DM, 2022
 Editing brochure: Care for foot in patient with T2DM, 2022
 PREVENAR 13- “The benefits of the pneumococcal vaccine in the adult population”, 2023
 Oral semaglutide – A cariometabolic Approach to dealing with T2DM, 2023
 Mistakes in the management of asthma control, 2023
 Diagnostic dilemmas between asthma and COPD, 2023
 Remarkable blood glycemic and body weight efficacy of oral semaglutide (Rybelsus) in a short period, 2023 (8th Diabetes days in Macedonia with international participation)
 Once-weekly semaglutide use in glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist naïve patients with type 2 diabetes in North Macedonia: Real-world data from the MIRAGE study, Journals Elsevier-Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (, 2023.
 A New Hope on the Horizon for Kidney and Cardiovascular Protection with SGLT2 Inhibitors, GLP-1 RA, and Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in Type 2 Diabetic and Chronic Kidney Disease Patients. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2024 Apr;22(3):170-178. doi: 10,1089/met.2023.0227. Epub 2024 Feb 21. PMID: 38386800.

Член на научни медицински едукации
 Scientific association of endocrinologist and diabetologists of Macedonia
 Macedonian respiratory society.
 Scientific association of obesity of Macedonia

Истражувач во клинички студии
 International study for research on the management of arterial hypertension and hypercholesterolemia in renal clinical conditions.
 Open prospective multicenter observational study to determine the efficacy, tolerability and safety of Vildagliptin (Agnis) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus,2022.
 Clinical study EMEA/H/C/004174_OZEMPIC_V01, 2022
 Clinical Trial: A 52-week, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of 2 Doses of CHF6001 DPI (Tanimilast), as add-on to Maintenance Triple Therapy in Subjects With COPD and Chronic Bronchitis (PILASTER).
 Clinical Trial: A Study to Assess the Effect of Dexpramipexole in Adolescents and Adults With Severe Eosinophilic Asthma. (EXHALE-2).